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Voting and elections are on almost everyone’s mind right now, and that’s theme of the September edition of Billy Penn Philly Quizzo.
Hosted in partnership with the Philadelphia chapter of the nonpartisan nonprofit League of Women Voters, the live trivia game went down on Wednesday, Sept. 16. More than 50 people joined us on Zoom, splitting into 17 teams to test their knowledge.
After cohosts Danya Henninger and Sakeenah Benjamin took the group through our three rounds of Past, Present and Future — interspersed with a great mix by DJ Bounce Gawd — we ended up with a tie.
Teams “Edith Wilson 2020” and “Alice’s Moms” battled it out with a lightning round bonus question, and the Bryn Mawr couple behind Team Edith (named after a onetime first lady) took home the prize: a $50 gift card to Booker’s Restaurant on Baltimore Avenue.
Now it’s your turn. Without using Google, can you beat their high score of 21/24?
To play, pick your the answers in the “Past,” “Present” and “Future” sections below, then click “Submit” and scroll up to “View Score” to see how you did. If the form below doesn’t work for you, access it here.