The seats for Districts 2, 4 and 5 of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners are on this year ‘s ballot, but with Commission Chairwoman and District 5 Commissioner Laura Semanson not drawing a challenger and Alfred John being the sole candidate for District 2, only District 4 will be up for the primary on June 9.
Incumbent Commissioner Cindy Jones Mills, who was first elected to the seat in 2012, will face Republican challengers Amy Barfield, Brandy Bevis and Ken Anderson for the seat, which represents north Forsyth County.
There is no Democrat challenger on the ballot, so the winner will be decided in the primary.
Amy Barfield, Republican

Age: 46
Occupation: Executive Director of Family Haven
Political or civic involvement: Member of Forsyth County Domestic Violence Task Force, Dawson County Rotary, Forsyth County Republican Women, Georgia Federation of Republican Women, National Federation of Republican Women, Forsyth County Republican Party.
Contact info:, 678-231-7831
Identify 2-3 causes in your platform
“Fiscal responsibility. I am very concerned that currently, as our growth has dropped below 1%, we have continued to expand government and special projects. Elected officials should be held accountable to taxpayers and ensure that tax dollars are not being spent carelessly. I will look at all areas to identify wasteful spending. It is simply not acceptable to raise taxes or float more debt for future generations.
“Transparency in government. Elected officials work for the people and need to be held accountable for their actions. Honesty and integrity are qualities we should see more of in government. I support term limits because they discourage career politicians that lose sight of the responsibility to their constituents and instead begin to serve themselves or the special interests of a select few.
“Life, liberty and property. I am a constitutional conservative that believes in the rights of all Americans and less government overreach.”
What are your thoughts on the new proposed wastewater facility in North Forsyth?
“My thoughts on the water treatment plant are that the construction of the plant will lead to higher density growth. Although I believe that growth is inevitable, I do have concerns about how this will impact infrastructure like roads, schools and emergency services in our community.
“If this plant becomes a reality there needs to be a clear plan for responsible growth and a determination of who this plant will serve. It has been discussed that Tyson will be a customer of the plant. Will there be a capacity limit for their usage, so citizens are not burdened supplementing a business expense?
“It appears this project is clouded in confusion with a lack of transparency and communication leaving the citizens of District 4 feeling unheard. The citizens deserve honest representation even when they aren’t looking.”

Brandy Bevis, RepublicanAge: 45
Occupation: Stay at home mom
Political or civic involvement: Bevis has volunteered at Cumming First United Methodist Church preschool and Chestatee Elementary School and been involved in local political campaigns. Bevis has also been involved with local charities including Forsyth Humane Society, South Forsyth Rotary, Foster Family Forsyth, Family Haven, and Cumming Civitan Club.
Contact info: 678-572-2587,,
Identify 2-3 causes in your platform
“Rapid residential growth without infrastructure in place;
“To bring back integrity and transparency on the Board of Commissioners.”
What are your thoughts on the new proposed wastewater facility in North Forsyth?
“It would be very irresponsible for the county to build at this time because it would enable all the high-density zonings that have sat idle for 10 to 20 years or more. Building a sewer plant would cause rapid residential growth, massive additional traffic and overcrowding schools. It could create a need for hundreds of millions of dollars in road bonds and school bonds. We are already far behind in infrastructure.
“The county already has a sewer line at Hwy. 9 and Ga. 400 from the Fowler Reclamation Sewer Plant. This can serve commercial without causing residential growth.”
Cindy Jones Mills, Republican

Age: 57
Occupation: Owner, CMC Trucking
Political or civic involvement: Currently serve as vice chairwoman of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners; on the board of managers with the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG); general county government chair on the ACCG Policy Council; member of the health committee with the National Association of Counties; involved for 25 years with leadership and local school councils in North Forsyth; member of North Synergy Team; previously served from 2001-12 on the Forsyth County Parks and Recreation Board.
Mills is also founder of the Forsyth County Drug Awareness Council; founder of the Mental Wellness and Suicide Prevention Coalition; founding member of the North Forsyth Rotary Club; Sunday school teacher, Oak Grove Baptist Church for 30 years; organizer, Community Business Bank; former board member, United Way; former board member, Forsyth county Chamber of Commerce; named the Don Hendricks Award winner and Mentor of the Year by the Forsyth County Board of Education.
Contact information:,; 770-887-2022
Identify 2-3 causes in your platform
“As the sitting District 4 Commissioner, I want to continue to bring to life the vision that our citizens created in the comprehensive plan. I will work to see our active and greenspace parks thrive, our walking trails and dog park come to life along with pedestrian connectivity, while still promoting mental health and drug awareness.
“Key transportation projects such as improvements to Hwy. 369, Ga. 400, Hwy. 9 and Hwy. 306 all need to move forward resulting in a better environment for both businesses and families.
“However, before anything else, we need to know what COVID-19 has done to our economy and be fiscally prudent in spending the taxpayer’s dollars. Careful planning and experience is more important than ever. The balancing of our tax base with more commercial and industry is critical to the sustainability of our tax structure and our county’s future.”
What are your thoughts on the new proposed wastewater facility in north Forsyth?
“Forsyth County has had a northeast wastewater treatment plant in their Capital Improvement Plan for decades. After the county failed to update their site selection plan for a new wastewater facility in 2018, it became imperative that a site be found that will be a win-win for northeast Forsyth. It needs to be a site that is conducive to our economic development plan of balancing our tax base with more commercial and industrial businesses. Our county must be cognizant of our environmental responsibility by restoring treated water back to its source and balancing the nutrients going back into Lake Lanier.
“If we do nothing, more private sewer plants will come forward and those have proven to create more problems than solutions in our county’s history.
“Water and sewer are critical components of the infrastructure of Forsyth County and our future. Citizen engagement is vital to this process.”

Ken Anderson, Republican
Age: 57
Occupation: Retired
Political or civic involvement: Member of the Republican Party
Contact info:, 678-549-1359
Identify 2-3 causes in your platform:
“Control and managing growth in North Forsyth. Allow our infrastructure and school system to catch up.”
What are your thoughts on the new proposed wastewater facility in north Forsyth?
“Not a fan of new sewer plants. They are costly to taxpayers and create high-density growth. You must have high density to help pay for the sewer. We are still paying and in debt for existing sewer facilities. I would like to see business growth in Forsyth.”