– Catholic Sentinel

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Jo Ann Hardesty, the first African American woman to serve on the Portland City Council, will speak Feb. 3 at The Madeleine Parish.

Jo Ann Hardesty, the first African American woman to serve on the Portland City Council, will speak Feb. 3 at The Madeleine Parish.

The altar society from The Madeleine Parish is working on more than cloths and candles. The Northeast Portland group is hosting a series on local politics.
It begins at 11 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 3, with Jo Ann Hardesty, the first African American woman to serve on the Portland City Council. She covers Portland Fire & Rescue, the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management, the Bureau of Emergency Communications and the Fire & Police Disability and Retirement Fund.
The theme will be homelessness and government housing response, although discussion is open to general concerns.
The session takes place in the parish hall fireside room and includes snacks and coffee. The meetings are open to all.
Future speakers are Metro Council Member Bob Stacey on March 2, State Senator Lew Frederick on April 6 and Oregon House Majority Leader Barbara Smith Warner on May 4
For more information, call Jean Lynch, 503-284-7565.