News and culture through the lens of Southern California.
Hosted by A MartínezCalifornia Politics In 2020, David Stern’s Local Impact, And The History Of Irwindale’s Mysterious Holes

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How To Prepare For California’s Early Primary
California will have its primary in March and your traditional polling place is going away. We’ll talk about what it all means for voters.
- Libby Denkmann, KPCC Senior Politics Reporter
Census Preview
April 1st is Census Day and, by then, many of you should have received an invitation to participate in the decennial population count. It’s a big deal that you do, too. Billions of dollars in federal funding are at stake. That helps pay for everything from childcare programs to road maintenance to health services.
- Megan Garvey, KPCC and Executive Editor
California Dream: Refugee Retraining
The Trump administration has made it more difficult for asylum seekers to win protection, and has cut back on the number of refugees accepted into the country. Even so, the thousands of humanitarian migrants already here face big challenges in finding work where they can use their talents and skills. In the first of a two part series for our California Dream collaboration, KQED’s Farida Jhabvala Romero reports.
David Stern’s Local Influence
Former NBA Commissioner David Stern has died. He has been credited with making basketball a global game and had a great influence on the Los Angeles Lakers.
- Andy Kamenetzky, ESPN sports writer
Even though 2018 broke a lot of records for the midterm election, with a record 117 women winning elections across the US, there’s still a long way to go before women achieve equal representation through elected office in the U.S. And now there’s a new guidebook: “Represent: The Woman’s Guide to Running for Office and Changing the World.”
- June Diane Raphael, actress, comedian and author of “Represent”
Throwback Thursday: The Mystery of Irwindale’s Holes
If you’ve heard about the city of Irwindale, in San Gabriel Valley, it’s probably because of the speedway. That’s it’s biggest claim to fame. But have you noticed the enormous holes in the ground off the 210 and 605 freeways in the city? That’s the topic of today’s Throwback Thursday.
- Robert Petersen, The Hidden History of Los Angeles podcast host