Learning enough about candidates and parties to be an informed voter wasn’t easy in 2019. And I’m not sure I’ll have it all straight in time for the next election either.

Will this be less confusing by the time of the next election? Becky Guthrie/Postmedia
I didn’t think my list was too long last year. I am not talking about my December Christmas list, which included fluffy pink slippers, the latest CD by Céline, and a pair of gorgeous diamond studs. In fact, I told my tribe what I wanted and Santa complied.
But I had trouble with another list. That was my wish list for the Canadian government. When my list became a Utopian fantasy with 623 features, I knew I needed to pare it down if the stars were ever going to align for me in the 2019 federal election.
A bit of an idealist, but an under-informed, ill-informed nincompoop voter for much of it as well, I slashed it to five major wishes:
1. I wanted a mature, intelligent representative with impeccable character, integrity and track record;
2. I wanted transparency with zero tolerance for corruption;
3. I wanted fiscal responsibility;
4. I wanted my chosen candidate to think for himself, to not be forced into voting the party line, and to not be catapulted out of the party when his thinking was out of sync with the party clique;
5. I wanted no support for late-term abortions because of someone’s choice. I also wanted to focus on safety, security and assistance for the vulnerable.
I decided to earn the right to be called an informed voter. That was a challenge in itself. I watched CBC and CTV news. I bought the Globe and Mail and the Ottawa Citizen. I listened to CBC radio and watched every leaders’ debate. I recorded innumerable political opinion shows. I read all campaign literature that came to my door, tried to converse with each candidate but failed to locate an all-candidates’ meeting. I talked and listened to my peers. Then, I endeavoured to match up candidate, party and my list.
I recorded innumerable political opinion shows. I read all campaign literature that came to my door [and] tried to converse with each candidate …
On wish No. 1, the Liberal incumbent shone. I tried for weeks to find out who the Conservative candidate was but failed despite Google, telephone messages and emails. A flyer eventually arrived at my door and described a new Conservative face who looked good on paper, but I never got a chance to meet him. As for the NDP candidate, did one ever surface? If so, he or she did not seem to be swimming in my lake and I was out there with a pretty decent fishing pole.
On No. 2, the lingering stench of SNC-Lavalin eliminated the Liberals. I was not aware of any significant black marks against the others.
On No. 3, the Conservatives seemed best, as the alternatives were notorious for spending and debt.
On No. 4, I realized that no party was going to give me that. With Jody and Jane as reminders, I had to abandon that dream. I wondered why I voted at all: thinking representatives seem unnecessary, only sheep capable of shutting off their brain and saying “yes” to their leader.
On No. 5, the Liberals, the NDP and the Green Party all required their candidates to be pro-choice. In Canada we have no laws on this subject, so abortion at any stage of gestation is allowed. I had to lean Right on this one. As for helping the vulnerable, the NDP took first place, with the Liberals a close second.
So where to place my vote? I am privileged in our democracy to get one vote to reflect my views and interests. I was definitely lost when I tried to figure out who to vote for, and which party and candidate would be able to truly speak for me.
I won’t have many more election opportunities to figure this out, given my age. Self-discovery learning about the reality of democracy and voting has not worked well for me. Perhaps someone out there with a big brain in politics can rectify this. Hopefully, before the next election.
Adele Blair is an Ottawa writer.
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