Reservations; Elkhart Historical Society Irish event; 11 a.m.-1 p.m. March 22, Horsefeather’s Wild Hare, Elkhart; dinner followed by music by Joe Readnour and Dan Grover at the Gillett Chapel on the Hill; $25; 217 947 2238.
Tickets, Charity Drag Show; 7 p.m. March 28, Brown Ballroom, Bone Student Center, Illinois State University, Normal; benefits: ISU’s LGBTQ+ Student Support Fund; $10; Braden Box Office; 309-438-5444.
Register, Black Out Poetry; 6 p.m. March 30, Bloomington Public Library Community Room; registration required; space limited; teens and adults; 309-828-6093 or bit.ly/330BPLPoetry; part of 2020 Bloomington Reads programming series.
Stand up for Social Justice Vigil; 5:30-6 p.m. Tuesday, front of Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts; topic: “Why Vote? Why Not?”
9 Wonder Women of Toys discussion; 7:15 p.m. March 10, McLean County Museum of History, Bloomington; speaker: Christopher Bensch, vice president for collections, Strong National Museum of Play; for Women’s History Month.
Community meeting; 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Miller Park Zoo community room; election information meeting with local candidates; collaboration of West Side Neighbors, Miller Park Neighbors, Next-door Digest, Next-door Miller Park.