All Politics Are Local: Lawmakers debate reopening schools, unemployment protections and more
SAVANNAH, Ga. (WSAV) – Each week, News 3 is taking the time to break down the local impacts of news coming from Washington D.C. and Atlanta.
WSAV Washington Correspondent Kellie Meyer joins NOW Reporter Jon Dowding to discuss the latest developments in COVID-19 relief from the Capitol.
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All Politics Are Local: Back to school in the era of COVID-19, possibility for a new relief bill from Congress
SAVANNAH, Ga. (WSAV) – Each week, News 3 is taking the time to break down the local impacts of news coming from Washington D.C. and Atlanta.
WSAV Washington Correspondent Kellie Meyer and WSAV Georgia Capitol Reporter Archith Seshadri join NOW Reporter Jon Dowding to discuss the latest headlines.
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All Politics Are Local: Honoring John Lewis, federal COVID-19 stimulus and more
SAVANNAH, Ga. (WSAV) – Each week, News 3 is taking the time to break down the local impacts of news coming from Washington D.C. and Atlanta.
WSAV Georgia Capitol Reporter Archith Seshadri joins NOW Reporter Jon Dowding and WSAV Washington Correspondent Kellie Meyer to discuss the latest headlines.
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