
By: Web Staff
Posted at 11:52 AM, Jun 18, 2020
and last updated 2020-06-18 12:00:23-04
The Primary Elections for Virginia are happening on June 23.
They were previously pushed back from June 9 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Click here for live results on Primary Day.
Here is a look at what will be voted on locally.
US Senate Statewide Mark R. Warner (unopposed, no primary held)
U.S. Senate GOP Primary
- Alissa Baldwin
- Daniel Gade
- Thomas Speciale
U.S. House Dist. 1 Dem Primary
- Lavangelene Williams
- Qasim Rashid
U.S. House Dist. 2 GOP Primary
- Ben Loyola
- Jarome Bell
- Scott Taylor
U.S. House Dist. 3 GOP Primary
- George Yacus
- J. H. Downs
- John Collick
U.S. House Dist. 4 Dem Primary
- Cazel Levine
- Donald McEachin
U.S. House Dist. 5 Dem Primary
- Cameron Webb
- Claire Russo
- John Lesinski
- R. D. Huffstetler
U.S. House Dist. 11 Dem Primary
- Gerry Connolly
- Zainab Mohsini
Click here for resources from the Virginia Department of Elections on where to vote, when and more resources.
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